Overall sales was increased, eliminating 90% of the grey market.
It is estimated that one in every ten healthcare products sold worldwide may be counterfeit or having grey markets. In some cases, fake components infiltrate supply chains and end up being sold by legitimate retailers, making it even harder to distinguish the genuine products from the fakes. Swisse chose to work with us with dual-layer authentication codes by directing the users to designated web address after scanned.
- Issues of counterfeiting and parellel import
- Understand buyers’ behavior
- Exposed Code: Product information
When a customer purchases the prescribed medication, they can scan the exposed code with their smartphone for product information - Inner Code: Instant product authentication
Any attempt to tamper or replicate it with the help of third-party application or involvement will immediately trigger an alert that will go on to notify the manufacturer. - Distribution channel management
Real-time business data and product movement information
- Block parallel imports
With unique product identity, parellel imports can be eliminated. - Business multiple increased
Business insights improving product positioning - Regulate the market order
Timely damage control should issue arise

Why are we making a difference?
Unique and uncopieable code is tied with specific product. With geo-location tracking, time limitation control, multi-level accessibility, and big data analysis, it provides flexible applications.
Bank-grade technology creates a unique clone-proof SOI codethat can only be produced once.
Product Track and Trace in Supply Chain
By scanning the unique identity verification label, enterprise can check the logistic information to protect against counterfeits and product diversion.
Consumer Marketing
The solution instantly provides clear positive/negative verification results, at the same time, capture consumers data for various marketing engagement.