First Anti-counterfeiting Company Partnered With SGS
Whether you are bringing new products to market or want to differentiate existing goods from the competition, authenticity, independent marks and certificates are trusted by buyers. Anti-countfeit Performance Marks offer that reassurance and peace of mind, to you and the consumer.
Designed by our experts, this program is product specific and employs a combination of document examination and reviews, performance testing and claims verification.
Product authenticity
Verifies and supports disclaimers
Helps customers to choose the right model for their needs
Product traceability
Why choose the Anti-counterfeit SGS Independently Checked Mark?
This program tests and certifies products to manufacturers’ specification against criteria for handling, durability, functionality, workmanship and instructions for use. It is product specific and employs a combination of document examination and reviews, performance testing and claims verification.
- Household appliances – large and small
- Lighting products – for household, business or industrial use
- Consumer electronics – TV sets, cameras, computers and other electronic equipment
- Batteries – primary and rechargeable batteries, including power banks
Power tools – drills, screwdrivers, saws and sanders - Health care devices – UV sterilizers, air cleaners and anti-bacterial devices
- Wireless/RF products – smart wearable accessories, smart control devices and IOT devices